Performance Nutrition

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Agritech Animal Nutrition (ANN)

The leveraging science and manufacturing innovation is the key to increasing bottom line profits and optimising on-farm environmental performance whilst at the same time enhancing your animal nutrition.

Agritech Animal Nutrition will build and commission manufacturing facilities that will specialise in the production of environmentally friendly, sustainable animal nutrition.

Best-in-class manufacturing technologies and diets will align with good environmental and animal nutrition outcomes. The technologies will underpin an end-to-end production process, from raw materials procurement to manufacture, to warehousing, sales and distribution to supply chain management and logistics.

  • Blended dairy feeds
  • Animal nutrition blocks
  • Animal minerals
  • Premix
  • Compound feeds

A focus on environmental indices secures a sustainable future for the rural sector and the next generation of farmers.

Sustainable by Impact

Enhance productivity, drive profitability, and reduce carbon footprints to lead sustainable farming into the future.




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Improve Feed Conversion

Efficient, sustainable solutions for the animal feed sector.

The leveraging of green technologies and best-in-class manufacturing processes will continue to make New Zealand farmers global leaders and influencers.

Leveraging leading-edge technology and priortising the delivery of sustainable outcomes reduce the potential for disruption to the food supply chain in the future.

Scalable Sustainability

Animal feed products that are resilient and economically sustainable.

By leveraging the new science and technology that is now available to the sector we can reduce the risks to our businesses today, and into the future.

By reducing heavy metals and methane production in the animal feed supply chain, we will optimise feed efficiency and profitability. Through science, we can deliver better health outcomes for the animal whilst at the same time improving environmental outcomes and sustainable on-farm profits.

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Future Proofed Feedmilling

Animal feed manufacturing technologies that reduce the cost to manufacture will provide a better return to the farmer.

Centralised manufacturing technologies that provide farmers with choice on how they deliver best-in-class diets to their animals.

Specialised diets allow the farmer to manage outcomes in animal health, production, and seasonal requirements.

By utilising state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies, we achieve a reduction in the cost to manufacture at the same time providing exciting career pathways in manufacturing that are technology-focused and, adhere to Feedsafe principles.

Technologies for today and into the future

Investing in manufacturing solutions that deliver the optimal outcomes.

Agritech Animal Nutrition 'Dairy Cows'